41 thoughts on “It Fluttered By.

    1. They are the only species that visits which I am aware of that has transparent wings.
      As I mentioned to Nan they seem in abundance this year. Certainly more so than I can recall.

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    1. They are pretty things, that’s for sure and they seem more prolific than usual, I have noticed.
      Probably less predators around for some reason.
      Yahweh Nature has a way of always setting the balance just right!

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    1. Happy you approve! And thank you for the very nice compliment. Means a lot from an Arsenal supporter.
      I presume the name Nottingham Forest is currently mentioned in whispered tones?

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      1. Well Ark, as you might remember the last year or two, here in the States most all of the elite European football exclusive tele rights have been bought up (for millions of dollars) by America’s juggernaut sports networks… so that they can force footballing fanatics like myself to PAY DEARLY (monthly subscriptions) to watch the EPL, FA Cup, Carabao Cup, UEFA Champions & Europa Leagues, EFL, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc, etc. Every single league and their games are separately owned by either ESPN, NBC, Fox, CBS, and all their streaming affiliates. If one totaled up all the various streaming subscriptions to watch world-class football, I’d easily spend around $100-$200 per month… and that would be streams WITH tons of advertising!!! 😵‍💫

        What I’m saying is simply this—now that I’ve gone around Highbrow Tower 5 or 6 times blowing wind 😉 —I didn’t watch the game. I didn’t even know they were playing Forest. 😔 I see now they fell 0 – 1; HAH! Told ya 2-3 weeks ago(?) they’re ranked or considered too highly in the tables/tourneys for their own good. But I’m quite sure all the gambling-betting Bookies are loving it! 😄

        I also have a soft spot for Notty Forest. 💘 Peter Shilton! He was my all-time favorite growing up thru high school then university. Wasn’t terribly impressed with him in his final couple of years of his career, BUT OH MY STARS… was he brilliant at Stoke City, Notty, and Southampton!!! 👏

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I heard we are now able to whizz about the world but with all the current restrictions, ie 2 x Vaccs plus certificate signed by our President, or preferably, Jesus or Paul, ( Paul McCartney will do at a pinch) tests involving sticking things up one’s nose, quarantine, demonstrate we can stand on one leg in red wellingtons and sing the Chicken Song, or hum La Marseillaise if we have to stop over at Charles de Gaulle airport; you know …. pretty basic stuff.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. I have a giant bird-sized moth somewhere in my office. In fact, there are two, but one (which is huge) is half the size of the other… which is a goddamn dinosaur. Been on my wall for 2 days. Started trying to fly around this morning, so I bolted screaming like a little girl. Half hour later, I couldn’t find it. Don’t think it got out, so I am now quite literally living inside a nightmare.


      1. It’s a godamm moth,not a blood sucking vampire!
        Jeez Louise.
        Get a bazooka if you’re that concerned.
        Or better still, call the wife.


        1. No, it’s not just a moth. It is a wedge-tailed eagle pretending to be a moth. I bet you it weighs as much as a cricket ball. That’s no “moth.”

          And I still haven’t found it… and it’s freaking me out.


          1. Try looking on the light shade. Inside and out.
            Moths rest with wings open(like the video) and will flatten themselves to be less conspicuous
            Bookshelf? Resting on top of the books below the shelf above.
            Curtain pelmet?
            Between the folds of a curtain?
            Presuming there is a window in the office, leave it open tonight and turn on an outside light or run an extension cord outside with a lamp?


          2. I looked it up on Wiki.
            It’s common name is the Black Witch and females can attain a wingspan of 24cm !
            Wow! That is one seriously cool moth, Mister Z.
            The photo was taken of one found in Sao Paulo!
            Yes, I’ m sorry, but I did chuckle.
            I’d skip the section on Folklore if you pop over to Wiki 😁

            I’m serious, if you find it don’t hurt the poor thing and try to get a photo?

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          3. Black Witch… Appropriate. Seriously, this was the biggest one ever seen, and I’ve had others. Found the smaller one (still the size of a bird — see photo), it’s up there, just sitting, but god only knows where the monster is.

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          4. The larger one is likely female the smaller male. Maybe they are just looking for a place to ‘make out ‘?
            Anyway, as I suggested, leave a window open tonight and put on a lamp/light outside.
            They are not going to eat your face off for the gods’ sake!
            Well … probably not.

            Nice pic, by the way. Could you get a close-up?


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          5. The windows and door are open! The smaller one just flew to the window pane. They’ve been here fore 4 days now. Apart from terrorising me with their brief flights, they really don’t do much of anything.

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          6. You’ve lost your freaking mind if you think for one moment I could possibly sleep in here with that thing! Presently, I’m like that point guy in a platoon sneaking through a jungle filled with Vietcong, at night.

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          7. I could understand if this was a snake or a giant hairy spider or even one of those revolting King crickets we get here, but this is a moth!

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          8. Snakes don’t bother me. Big arse spiders, yes, but I’m Australian so that is a well-founded fear. These big arse moths don’t seem to know where they’re going–they just crash about, and I don’t want it crashing into my head.

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          9. Don’t laugh. I’ve already had to bolt from the office twice today.

            And you want to know where it is now? On the bloody door frame to the toilet! I can’t get to the toilet.

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