Open question.

Yahweh sent his son to be brutally executed in order for humans to be made right with him… sorry, Him and pay for our sins, and belief would ensure we would live forever ( Have eternal life). And yet…. in Genesis, Team Yahweh recommended Adam and Eve be evicted from the Garden to prevent them … More Open question.

Yes, DO ‘shoot’ the messenger. Or at least the message.

Overall, almost every platform that tries to take down religious arguments seems to have a minimal lasting effect. And for every non-believer, deconvert, and those who would fight against the drivel put out by religious proponents, there seems to be its direct counterpart canceling out all the positive ground gained. Now, you can’t ban apologetics … More Yes, DO ‘shoot’ the messenger. Or at least the message.

A world gone mad…

or the “Sound of Inevitability”? ( with apologies to Agent Smith) Once the Gaza Strip is pretty much flattened, and it certainly looks like this is the plan, what happens in the aftermath? Thoughts? Ark.

The problem with freedom of religion is….

In actual fact the title should probably read, The problem with democracy as only in a ( genuine) democracy can multiple religions, as in, freedom to practice one’s religion, flourish. Unfortunately, herein lies the danger or irony if you will. A theocracy doesn’t usually tolerate competition very well. It tends to make the ruling theocratic … More The problem with freedom of religion is….