Bits n Bobs

Acraea Encedana ”Some like it hot” Sweet Potato. Not sure which type but I bought two at Food Lovers (the fruit and veg store) to see if I could get them to shoot -the tooth pick and suspended over a jar of water method. The other one rotted and produced nothing. It’s been several months … More Bits n Bobs

Up the Garden Path

Long Tailed Blue (I think) snacks on some lavender. Lilies by the pond. Grassveld Sylph Home-grown gemsquash and some zucchini. Harvested this morning. Number 7 looks on. Two Striped Skimmer. This was rescued from one of the cats. We think it was newly emerged as it’s wings didn’t appear properly dry. Bougainvillea Wet Dove on … More Up the Garden Path

Bits n’ Bobs

  Continuing with my toilet roll seedling experiment. The roots of this butternut seedling have pushed through the damp cardboard and it’s now ready for planting out. Tomato seedlings coming along nicely. Butternut in seed modules. Sunbird visits a  Strelizia. One of the chickens may be suffering from what could be Merek’s disease ( a … More Bits n’ Bobs

From a Distance

Three birds, on a cold winter’s day. Speckled Mousebird Glossy Starling Cape Wagtail. The Wagtail is an infrequent visitor to our spot and I initially heard her rather than saw her. Being quite  a small bird it took me a few moments to locate her. Ark