Bits n’ Bobs

Male African Migrant on Pineapple Sage


Rescued and relocated young River Frog.

We’ve had a few serious downpours these past few days. This one which included hail brimmed the pond in an hour!

Pansy. Not much detail as I was obliged to use a telephoto from almost across the garden.

First Homegrown Pepper this season . Went in the salad for Sunday Lunch.

Another Robber Fly.

Tiny Geranium Bronze spotted on the lawn.

Dragon Cake. Went out Sunday.

Emilys Cakes



27 thoughts on “Bits n’ Bobs

    1. I suspect you might well be correct.
      The models at least will keep, ( for quite a while) and although everything is edible I couldn’t face eating that much fondant!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Not the best garden shots this time round – I really think my eyesight is going a bit wonky these days. – but for me, a monthly record of the fauna that visits is important.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. That is such a beautiful cake that I was wondering how anyone could have the heart to slice it. Mind you, six-year-olds probably relish the thought of chopping up a dragon. Lovely butterflies in your garden; it is a privilege to find (and rescue) a frog; and there is a tinge of envy at your image of the rain!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like to think the more beautiful the cake, the more it will be appreciated. I know of some recipients who have saved the model/s, probably in a similar manner we saved parts of our wedding cake. Well we did, at any rate!


    1. Not yet. We’re due for a
      ‘ biggish’ shop for stock in a week at the large wholesaler we use so we’ll probably have a look then, and fortunately there is no load shedding on the immediate horizen!

      True story.
      When they first began load shedding the ‘official’ explanation was because the coal en route to a local power station had got wet due to rain.
      Rain, eh? Must be why they have so many power cuts in England!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That is just the best cake ever! I love the baby dragon! Your wee frog is rather lovely too and I’m glad you were able to relocate it. Other creatures are always a delight too and rain to equal ours – almost! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Morning , Sally!
      It’s raining again … as Supertramp once sang!
      Chucking it down in fact and all and sundry are confined indoors.
      I expect it’ll clear up a bit later.

      We’ve had to wait 18 years before we became aware we had frogs in the garden, and while their familiar ‘knee deep’ call is often heard, especially in the evening, I have only seen this species a couple of times.
      They are marvelous little creatures, and a sure sign our garden is a fauna friendly environment, which, considering how many cats we have, is somewhat baffling at times.

      You are right, the cake is quite something.
      Ems outdid herself with the icing and modelling on this one.
      It’s all in the genes, of course,. but being the modest chap I am I won’t make too much of it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Indeed she did, it’s a magnificent piece. If it were mine, I’d eat the cake and keep the dragon for ever!
        You are so lucky to have the frogs especially as you have the cats and even luckier to have had one so close. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. A wonderful selection. A pot-pourri of sorts. Frogs should be saved. Thank you for them… 😉
    (Just thought that I’d never seen a poisonous or venomous frog in Africa, whilst around here in Latin America, many are… With very bright colours.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Are there venomous / poisonous frogs here in Africa? I’d have to do the Googly thing.
      I know for a fact that some of the most lethal toxins are found on cute little froggies in your part of the world, that’s for sure!

      BTW. When I say little froggies, I don’t mean you … you’re not that cute! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah … the pertinent question.
      One of the cats. Wasn’t harmed in the least though I suspect Frog was a tad surprised. Fortunately it didn’t croak … or it did!

      FA Cup 5th round t’night.

      Liked by 1 person

          1. Kane had a goal disallowed!
            The bloke who scored for Middleborough, Bourke? Looked more surprised than anyone. Great goal too!
            Tonight Everton v Boreham Wood.
            Maybe Dickford oops …Pickford will have a brain fart and let in 6?

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Hahaha! 😄 You don’t hold a grudge do ya Arky? 😉

            Nah seriously, you hold it on him as long as you like… just as I do to this day against Harold Schumacher on Battiston ’82 – Spain. I can never forgive him for that. Dickford’s hit on van Dijk wasn’t as graphic, but still the exact same intent as Schumacher.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. I see Everton .. the wunch of bankers … only managed 2 goals against non – league Boreham Wood last night. *Sigh*.
            I couldn’t be bothered to stay up and watch. I went to bed and read a book.

            Saw the draw for the next round, though. We get to play Notts Forest or Huddersfield. Should be fun.
            Man City go to Southampton. Should be a fairly easy passage to the semis for them.

            Liked by 1 person

          4. Have to catch Pep and his sky-blue boys on a bad, disjointed day to take them down, I think. Unless you’re the Spurs. HAH!

            I see Man City getting to the Final. As if they don’t already have enough trophies. 🙄

            Liked by 1 person

          5. Hmmm, without knowing the format of the FA Cup or its brackets, could Chelsea end up with them, or could we see another phenomenal game between Chelsea & Liverpool?


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