33 thoughts on “Incy Wincy …

    1. These type of Orb Weavers are not that common at our spot but we do get them from time to time.

      It’s a bit too hot during the day at the moment to be blissful … blisterful if one is not careful.
      That said, after 17: 30 it’s very pleasant.
      I think you would enjoy a balmy stroll around the garden this time of year. Dogs trailing along, cats playing tag in the undergrowth, fish splashing in the pond, Ibis heading home as they trawl across a sky full of wispy clouds. With an cold glass of red wine in hand, and pasta, home made bread and Greek salad awaiting us on the stoep,
      I know … I’m so mean. But anytime you and Mr G are passing, dear Tish, you know you will always be welcome.

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  1. I see Arkesatan’s little minions are afoot—or would that be afoots?— setting sticky traps for naive Theists! 😈

    Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive [the deceived deceivers]!


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    1. Hello, Pete. Marvellous to see you around these parts once again!

      Not many spiders about at the moment. As you know, it’s almost our winter and things get a bit nippy.

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        1. Brian and Tish. have said as much, and face timing with my folks seeing them in their jerseys and wot not might suggest our seasons are closing the gap.
          On saying that, my brother in law is a continental truck driver and yesterday he was stuck in a huge tailback somewhere in Spain and it was sweltering / pushing mid thirties he said.

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          1. Yes, since June the temperatures have risen significantly. This weekend will be hitting close on 30! Much too hot for me, but we are never happy with the weather, are we? 🙂


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