Bits n’ Bobs and walking the dog.

”Ella … meet Benji”

Not your usual Cat! – A bit of earth moving on Ridge Road.

Ridge Road. Pit stop if one is tired or a besom type broom if one wants to fly directly home.

”Hey, where you bin?”

One of the numerous recycling blokes that patrol the suburbs on Bin Day collecting plastic, paper and other recyclables. And I say ‘blokes’ as I have yet to seen a woman do this job.

I like the lamps and the entrance.

”Keep on running …” (Spencer Davies Group)

Hadedas taking a stroll. (the shot is overexposed. I couldn’t adjust it after, sorry)

Easy Rider?

19 thoughts on “Bits n’ Bobs and walking the dog.

    1. A couple of the cats still have a bit of attitude, but in the main the Boxers have integrated nicely, and Cindy has no issues with them at all.
      Next step … walkies! We are waiting for the delivery of new harnesses – the first ones we bought are too big – Ella is the smallest Boxer dog I have ever seen.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. I was wondering, considering the size of what might pass for a ‘regular sized boxer”, how big Benji must be in comparison. He still looks like a well sized critter…could Ella be a mix, with only the boxer outlines?

    Love the pictures, btw.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Although there are size differences between European and American Boxers Ella is 100% Boxer as far as we know. She is still young – less than two, so one can expect her to fill a bit. We will see ….


  2. If you flip that stone bench over, you’ll find it is constructed of the original tablets the ten commandments were written on–absolute proof of Yahweh’s and Moses’ existence. The lesser known 11th commandment is written there, too: “After reading the first ten commandments, make a bench outta these tablets and sit yer fat ass down on it.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Definitely enjoyed these pics far more than your last posted one. 😁

    Curious — why do you use a harness and not just a collar?


        1. We use harnesses for our dogs for the same reason.
          If you think about it, this and extra mobility is probably why Guide Dogs use a harness instead of a collar and lead.

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        2. Had one of those dogs who went totally limp as soon as I put a lead or any halter on him. He’d just lie down on his back and stare at me, It’s really really hard to teach a dog to walk on a leash when he’s on his back in the road. =)

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Interesting. I’ve never heard that, but I suppose if a dog tends to “pull” against the leash (which some tend to do in their excitement), the harness would be the better choice. I no longer walk my dog since her spinal injury some 5 years ago. Although she’s able to walk, she’s definitely crippled and tires very quickly.

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    1. I sometimes think it might be nice to be a witch a la Terry Pratchett and Discworld and know, more or else, the time when one is due to ”pop off.”
      Something like a ”Sell by date” coded into our genes …. or sewn onto our jeans!


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