Having one’s cake and…

A couple of cakes that went out over the weekend.

Wedding Cake.

A layered mixture of chocolate and vanilla chiffon sponge with chocolate ganache filling decorated with fresh flowers.

The wedding was on Saturday and I am reliably informed not so much as a crumb was left.

Chocolate globe.

The globe is in two halves filled with vanilla chiffon sponge.

The continents are hand cut from fondant.


27 thoughts on “Having one’s cake and…

    1. I occasionally wonder if some of the cakes we send out get “stored” in some fashion rather than eaten.
      Thank goodness’ for the camera!


    1. The photo is a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional cake.

      I imagine by now that cake is just a memory anyway …


  1. So the icing on the cake was that the dinner guests had a very crumby appetite {cymbal crash}

    But what sayeth the inscription on top? Til Death?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. vRichard Lindzen is a dynamical meteorologist. He has contributed to the development of theories for the Hadley Circulation, hydrodynamic instability theory, internal gravity waves, atmospheric tides, and the quasi-biennial oscillation of the stratosphere. His current research is focused on climate sensitivity, the role of cirrus clouds in climate, and the determination of the tropics-to-pole temperature difference. He has attained multiple degrees from Harvard University, and won multiple awards in his field of study such as the Jule Charney award for “highly significant research in the atmospheric sciences”. Between 1983 and 2013, he was the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at MIT where he earned emeritus status in July of 2013.


  3. Just fantastic cakes. Thinking of Robbie, is there a particular cultural trait in SA (Or Jo’burg) for a demand of such elaborate cakes? (I haven’t really seen it elsewhere, not with this style)


      1. “out there” soon becomes ‘in here’, I imagine.

        Which although that being the purpose of a cake seems in this instance vandalism. Or, as a debatable point, are such cakes more for looking at and souveniring rather retaining than gobbling? Thank the gods for photography … oops, thank the Clever People for photography (olde and new). Dammit, gods can bake their own and good luck to them. As Khayyam is (mis)translated as saying—

        “Aaah, take the cake in hand, and waive the rest …”

        (Don’t mind me, just slithered out of bed after a rough night grumble grumble gripe mutter mutter …)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. S’okay Mister A. Didn’t sleep much myself, and it’s bloody freezing down here. I loathe winter in Jo’burg.
          A warm shower and a hot coffee will fix all that grumpiness, toot sweet.
          Time for me to hit the road. Orders coming in and I have lots of stock to buy.

          Liked by 1 person

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