I wonder ….

…if, as kids, we were each given a KJV bible as part of our school curriculum and told to read it …. ”there will be a test!” would any of us have believed what we read or become Christians simply on the strength of being told we were reading the ‘Divine Word?’ Ark.

A-theism is …?

I have always understood atheism to simply mean: A lack of belief in gods. Or for the sake of simplicity and cultural context – God. Until recently I’ve never bothered to investigate it beyond this point and I would certainly never assert:  ”There is no God!”  Although some do, apparently. But why on earth, after … More A-theism is …?

Oh for Gods sake!

Over at Frank’s Cottage, the chap who runs the blog claims to be vehemently anti-religion and all for relationship.(sic) He is against all religions – but attends church. He even let’s us know that,  ”Jesus leaves dogma and traditions at the side of the road. ” Odd then, that he would go on to write … More Oh for Gods sake!

The Anonymous Synoptics. Eyewitnesses to what?

gMark is considered by some critical scholars to be a pastiche of cobbled together themes from Jewish scripture and is notable for the forged ‘long-ending’. gMatthew is a copy of gMark incorporating around 600 verses, some verbatim. Notable additions include a birth narrative, including the ridiculous falsely prophesised tale of a virgin birth lifted directly … More The Anonymous Synoptics. Eyewitnesses to what?

Oh, for gods’ sake!

theweeflea JANUARY 22, 2021 AT 9:30 PM There is no evidence whatsoever from evolution that it is responsbile for morality…but of course you will continue to believe it…you have to.. Pastor David Robertson.  Evolutionary biologist, anthropologist, neuroscientist. psychologist,  intermediary for Yahweh, Honorary Australian, debater par excellence  and all round genius of everything. Or … maybe … More Oh, for gods’ sake!

”It’s all a matter of evidence, M’lud.”

There probably isn’t a sceptic, atheist, or religious deconvert that hasn’t at one time been asked the question: ”What kind of evidence would convince you (of) ….. ?” Of course we all know to what our religious friends are referring, yes? One can pick one’s own poison in this regard but popular examples usually include, … More ”It’s all a matter of evidence, M’lud.”