Not quite lost in France. Two things that made me smile.

On our way back from a visit to a nearby town I noticed several signs like this.

When I asked my sister why they were mounted this way I was told it was a form of protest by local farmers.

What they were protesting about was not revealed but you have to admire the French for their creativity.


One of the cows that grazed in the fields surrounding my sister’s house and the only one that approached close enough to smell my hand and allow itself to be scratched behind the ears. What a sweetie!

Aah.. La belle France.


19 thoughts on “Not quite lost in France. Two things that made me smile.

    1. After watching Clarkson’s farm one can easily understand and sympathize with the nonsense farmers have to put up with.

      That show is an eye opener.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I always admire the way the French protest, especially their farmers. We have a lot to learn from them (and need to do that fast given the new anti-protest laws our outgoing government managed to pass.)

    I like the subtlety of this quiet protest. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. France is a democracy, no? And in a democracy … The People rule, no?

    As the late great Ayn Rand said (quoting Aristotle.) “There is no such thing as a contradiction. If you find a contradiction, check its premises because at least one of them is false.”

    And Democracy is “Government of the People, By the People for the … …”

    (Insert word/s of own choice to complete the sentence above. C’mon, don’t be shy, and be honest. This above all, to thine own self be true etc etc).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sure I’m grumpy. Not had my coffee yet and cannot stand (a) hypocrites, and (b) governments (the words are interchangeable).

      Face it, nobody ever runs for pubic office out of altruism. Just ain’t done. An altruistic politician? I rests me case, good people.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Gotta coffee right here at me desk, so gods is/are in their heavenses and all is well with the worlds. Or, we can always crawl out from under the security blanket and ponder. (I vote coffee, meself.)

          Yourself? Bright-eyed and bushy tailed? Ready to fight tigers? (In my case, kittens … clue: put your money on the kittens …)

          Being English (for now) I have to discuss the weather … this English climate is vastly under-appreciated; I luvs it meself, a lot like Southland NZ but without all the rain and typhoons. However, it is a long time now since I saw a decent night sky (you know, stars and planets and junk like that).

          Good grief~! I just checked the time and it is still daylight out there, not long ago it was quite dark about now (1800 -ish).

          Wotever relevance, I had to clean my electric shaver (easy) and put it together, and yes it does still work. But once when I was a young pup in the navy I had to disassemble a portable floodlight, and was called upon to assist in some (live) work in the ship’s main switchboard (live). Came galloping enthusiastically up with my rebuilt floodlight, proudly switched it on for the boss who was chatting to somebody … and for some reason it didn’t light up—

          —but it did ejaculate its innards all into and over the 440 volts bus-bars and wiring and stuff.

          (Did I mention 440 volts, live, with massive generators supplying the oomph?)

          You want a miracle? And proof that God has a soft spot for lunatics?

          Nothing blew up. Nothing was shorted, and even more better, nobody noticed as I did the decent thing and (without creating any form of chaos) sneakily got all me bits and pieces back — rolling ship, live lethal electrics, and one very unhappy novice who somehow managed to get everything together again with nobody noticing nuffink. Now who sez there ain’t no God? (Aaaaahhh, but who wrote the script, hey?)

          No time for philosophy, just thinking about it now still makes me sweaty and clammy and gibbery.

          So how’s things with you? Have you and ol’ CS reached some form of equilibrium yet? Bugger … coffee doesn’t last long when resurrecting old memories …

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Things are Hunky if not completely Dory.
            Still feeling somewhat fatigued after picking up Covid while on my hols in England.
            Back in Jo’burg and we’ve just had elections
            Looks like the farking ANC for another four years. The gods help us!

            Liked by 2 people

    1. It would have been nice to stay longer, but alas we were only there for a week.
      Too short to strike up any sort of meaningful moo cow relationship. 😊

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  3. The upside down signs are done by the farmers fed up with French and European bureaucracy. There are 14 norms to plant a hedge… The president has promised to reduce the number of norms. Oh. Good. He has not questioned the absolute need for norms on hedges… That would open the door to chaos wouldn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

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