32 thoughts on “Covid-19 – Mrs. R goes to the shops.

    1. This is a local Mall called Park Meadows. Normally it would be bustling.
      The only shop that is allowed to be open at the moment is the supermarket. Access is restricted and safety protocols are in place, apparently.


      1. Got the exact situation here in Chicago. I live near a street that is usually as busy as a highway during the day that has MAYBE 4 cars driving down it at a time. Plus, it has been grey, cold and gloomy here which is making me depressed as eff. Weird times.

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        1. I’m at my desk in the office with the front door open to the garden and it’s quiet as anything. There are usually a few planes during the day but nothing for a week. It too is chilly and grey today.

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  1. So long as there is food on the shelves, Ark. It’s fine here but my son in Leeds is finding it a bit of a nightmare. I was supposed to visit this week, but obviously can’t. Take good care 🤗💕


  2. Empty, that’s great!

    Saw this morning that the homeless there are being bundled into stadiums. Has it occurred to the powers that be that this might just be the worst possible idea ever?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Gas chambers and crematoriums for the homeless! Hell, we all know they’re homeless and poor cause they’re lazy and didn’t plan ahead, so, gas ’em! We can take this opportunity to get rid of the blight of the homeless and keep our streets clean and safe for Christ-loving Christians everywhere. I’m running on this platform for the US Senate, and, so far, have not heard a single argument against it that would be even remotely logical. Yours in All Encompassing Arms of Our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, The Arm Chair Pontificator and future US Senator. $Amen$

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    2. I don’t understand half of what’s going on and that story made me scratch my head as well, especially as a number of these people ”escaped” and are back on the streets.

      Did you read the Philippines President has ordered the police to shoot dead those who ignore lock down and fight police if confronted?


      1. I hadn’t, but I’m not surprised. He’s stark raving mad. I mean, how many presidents in the world have boasted about pushing ‘criminals’ out of helicopters?

        But seriously, your government has to rethink their policy. It’s inviting mass carnage.

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        1. 10,000 field workers have been dispatched to test people in rural areas.
          But if (when?) this takes off here in townships it WILL be carnage. You know what such townships are like and it will be worse among informal settlements.


    1. Looking ahead … this lot is just the overture, and the whole bloody world is about to change. (Some simple sums, no?)

      Damn. I keep thinking ‘Phoenix’.
      Brrrrr~! What I see coming in the future is the primary reason I never sired pups (that I know of) and there’s no point in going into that, or what I see. Folks laugh at the impossible. Until it happens—and then everyone saw it coming, it was just too obvious, hey?

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        1. You reckon? I dunno so much. Humans are creatures of habit and most want things to be relatively the same.
          Once the green light is shown things will get back to normal (pretty much the way they were) very quickly.
          But maybe I’m wrong. We’ll see.

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          1. One wonders if there will ever be a “green light.”

            This virus is just one in a string of several (we’ve already experienced others). Perhaps it’s time to take a hard look at things and make some changes. But of course, those that should … won’t … and things will eventually return to “normal.” Until the next time.

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  3. Quite an elegant mask. We have taken the option of on-line supermarket shopping. Seems to be working all right. I hear in other places the systems just crashed due to demand.
    You guys too stay safe.


      1. Supermarkets are still open here too. But until the systems crash down, better to use the online option. Which of course implies a whole disinfection protocol! LOL. Stay safe.

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    1. We are likely going to opt for online as well.
      Shopping won’t become crucial for a few days yet, and the SA Government are changing regulations daily regarding who can trade and who can not, largely in a effort to help those who cannot buy online and those who have no resources other than selling their wares on the street.

      Don’t know how this is going to play out, but so far only five people have died and apart from a few instances of unrest things are relatively quiet.
      The air is a damn site cleaner that’s for sure!

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      1. It certainly is a one day at a time thing. And here too the main issue is all that population who lives hand to mouth… They will be laminated if the country goes in full lockdown…
        Just checked my phone: “Air quality bad”. Still not improving in that department…
        Stay safe Mate.

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  4. There’s a whole post in this one topic—but back up there (comments in this thread) somewhere someone asked about normal. And the ‘new’ normal.

    Normal used to be where we used ‘money’ — which wasn’t really, it was just physical tokens created by the Powers That Be and given convenient ‘values’. Facilitated daily transactions and stuff, yes … but it was never real money.

    Real money represents (actually is) real value, and there’s a term for the other—the one we all use daily—that this absent-minded old dog has— oops, that’s it! “Fiat” currency. (Sheesh, took me long enough …)

    Using the present systems we’re at the point of implosion. Today, tomorrow, next week/month or year … but it will come. Corona? Hah! We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. You wanna nice fat depression? You got it, Babe. On its way and addressed to YOU, courtesy of years (generations) of politicians and the suckers that vote for them.


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