International Rescue! A bird in the hand …

Walking the dogs yesterday afternoon we came across a Spotted thick-knee, also know locally as a Dikkop, marching up and down on a piece of open land close to the road  looking quite agitated.

A few metres further along it became apparent why. Lying on a patch of scrub was it’s fledgling. At first we thought it was done for, but approaching cautiously, primarily at the insistence of Bobbi who had initially spotted the chick, it turned out the youngster was very much alive and made a pathetic attempt to move under a bush.

But it could hardly move and while I took both leads, Ems bent down for a closer inspection.

Broken leg, was the verdict.

Now what? Leave alone or take home?

We opted for the latter and as soon as we arrived home we called a bird rescue place in a nearby suburb. Two ladies jumped in their car and drove over to collect the bird.

As a ground dwelling bird, I don’t know how optimistic  are the chances for it’s long-term survival, but at least it now has a fighting chance whereas left alone it would likely have been abandoned or mauled by a predator.

You do what you can, I guess.




14 thoughts on “International Rescue! A bird in the hand …

  1. Good on you.

    Around spring, a horrible rain of baby birds starts. I guess it’s males clearing nests (can’t really think of any other possible cause), but pink, featherless babies are dropped on lawns all over here.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ark, you’re good people Now im all sniffly.

    It may be that the nest builders are deficient in some way, or neglectful, and only the truly sturdy young survive. We have (and you probably do too) on occasion small birds who will lay their eggs in another bird’s nest, usually a wren or sparrow nest, and since the freeloaders are twice the size of the wren guess who wins the top place at the table. Cuckoos are famous for this too. And when the young hatch, only the larger birds usually survive because they just shove the smaller birds out of the nests.

    Is it always the same kind of bird?


    1. Difficult to know for sure what happened with this bird. It wouldn’t of fallen from the nest as they are ground dwellers.

      There are several species of birds that parasite other birds, though offhand I can’t recall which.
      Cuckoos are the most well-known as you point out.


      1. Ark! This is an avian moral-dilemma you’ve created!!! 😲 What if the injured Dikkop chick was her only chick!? Now the mother Dikkop will be SO distraught that she will fly into a glass-window to break her neck because she has lost the love of her life! The mother Dikkop has been sacrificed and will no longer have any further chicks! You have possibly put Dikkops onto the Endangered Species list MAN!!! How could you!? 😲

        I insist you go find the mother immediately and take her to the rescue ladies and her injured, SAD, crying chick before the mother hurts herself and ENDS the Dikkop existence!!! GO!!! HURRY! 🚑🚒🚨


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