21 thoughts on “Seems Young Earth Creationists were right after all …

  1. 🤣🤣🤣 YES!!!

    Now… run away Awan” Cain screamed to his wife, “faster than Abel [on the ground] so that he and his bones can be found inside the fossilized bowels of Thesaurus by 21st century Christian pseudo-scientists, further proving that we were here only 5-ish or 6,000-ish years ago… um, give or take in Faith!!!!” Praise His Holy Bounty… and Booty-ness… HALLELUJAH on Highness and Trippyness!!!


  2. The adroitly depicted leathern, jurásico yet, flightless caricature of the past demonstrates the hand of a creator—that first-cause-uncause, was in tandem an artist. When one perceives a finely drawn delineation, one incessantly views the hand, no, the mind and will of god.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. If that said “RUN AWAY FROM HUNGRY GROWLING Homo Erectus-eating Thesaurus’” then I wholeheartedly agree!!!!

      If that said “FEED THE YOUNG-EARTH FLAT-EARTH CHRISTIANS to HUNGRY GROWLING Thesaurus’” then where can I help toss them to its dinner plate!? 😁

      If that said “Liverpool fans are sane footballing fans and know how to sing!” then I say toss them to HUNGRY ROARING Thesaurus’ too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. HAH!!! Interesting Jim. My “poke” above at a certain Liverpool fan here — I won’t mention any names but his initials are Arkenaten, but I know him as Ark-o-Satan — elicited no response at all. Hmmmm, should I kick him? Make sure he is still alive? 😉


        1. HAH! Brilliant. Let’s try this… (begins singing, dancing, and clapping the following…) 😈😁

          Take Me Home, United Road
          To The Place I Belong
          To Old Trafford
          To See United
          Take Me Home, United Road

          Liked by 2 people

  3. I overate in a cheap Indian restaurant in Pompey once … after that I believed in the verysauarse. (For days afterwards, no reason to doubt—I KNEW we co-existed.)

    Physical proof like that would help me a lot with the Bible—if someone could supply it.

    Liked by 2 people

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